Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Moment of Moving On

Life must have been tough years and years ago. There were times where people want to end what they have just started, some had gone crazy, some kept their problems alone and work it out until one day they had finally given up.

What would you think be the best solution to any troubles, struggles, whatever we call it, to past it out? It is just one of a few to be ask but I am sure nobody can ever, ever get the best solution until they are on the same situation. People say, this and that, trying to help you out but later that day, have you asked yourself who will be the one to answer your questions?

It is funny but somehow frustrating, challenging, and most of all, disappointing. Why will it be disappointing? To give you my opinion- it is simple- it might have been a problem where you need not talked about it. I t  may a problem that you yourself have solved without consulting friends ideas in the first place. You must have done your part first then later you consult others.

I have entitled this moment of moving on and it may be striking or may not be one but it has something to do with what I had experienced and what I had observed. I live simple life. Simple in the sense of being contented with too simple things. I am like a kid who received a piece of candy and jump for joy. But sometimes we are tested with how we handle things.

I have been trashed down to the maximum level but this is my first time to write it down. I t is a step which I think that I am ready to let it go. I kept it silently all my life but as far as I can still remember how long ago was it, the readiness is here for me to deliver it word by word. I t is no longer painful as it was couple of years ago. Years that I hated people who troubled me. People who tried to ruin my life but thanks to God I succeeded them.

This is the title that best describe what I should have done the first time I felt bad for the situation. Guess what I did to move on? I asked for my friends concern and seek for their advices hoping I could find peace at the end of my day shift yet even on my sleeping time I still get nightmares- too angry wanting to get revenge. I had this feeling and the anger continue to grow years and years.

Until earlier this year, I met a friend who never ask me anything yet He was able to read my anger. He was able to know my concerns. It is amazing and that incident help me to cry out and let go of my anger. I ended talking continuously like confessing to a priest in a confession room. At the end of the day, I feel different. Every thing got lighten.

And why it is moment of moving on? It is the moment of realizing the energy I have wasted from thinking on the best option but  what should I have done instead of thinking? I should have just let that person suffer her own consequences. What I meant for this? I should have just ignored her. But everything is over and now I am moving on. I am happier than before more than happy as compared to the past years.

I know it is not that easy to do but this is one thing that maybe more than one individual will try. Forgive and move on.

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